With Over 30 Years

In Corporate Sales,

LeAnn Pashina has experienced directly how

communication and winning the sale is all in

"how you say it."

Sales are both an Art and Science. Most sales training programs only teach the Science of sales - systems, processes, and how people make decisions. When you master the Art of sales - that is when the magic happens!

My professional career began as a commercial interior designer. In a few years, I transitioned into sales. Knowing how to design is one thing; selling and closing the deal is another.

After investing in several sales training, seminars, and workshops, I applied the Science of sales with much success. Although when I mastered the Art of Presenting and Communication, my sales began to soar.

The ability to communicate with purpose and clarity is key to personal and

professional success.

It is the number one soft skill that will increase

your earning potential up to 50%

She is an expert in sales and communication skills training,

including how exceptional communication skills accelerate trust, build an instant rapport, and positively influence decision-making behavior. She empowers entrepreneurs and business professionals to create even more success by clarifying the sales conversation.

As a trained voice-over artist, LeAnn understands how our voice plays a significant role in our presentations. Most people are prepared to only focus on what they say and not how they say it. Non-verbal and vocal communication is the hidden tool that provides the added edge in your business.


With her combined experience and training,

LeAnn mentors others to confidently present their message to

prospects and clients, achieving the desired results – increased

sales! She is the founder of Creatively Communicate, Inc,

speaker, author, trainer, and salesperson.

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